Complete Story
Vision for ICAI in the year ahead


Vision for ICAI in the year ahead

by Blaire Wilson, ICAI President

As the new ICAI President, I am writing this blog to send a general update about some changes that have taken place in the last 6 months and more changes on the horizon as we (your Board of Directors) work to promote the mission of ICAI. I want to share my vision for ICAI. There are three key areas of improvement that I have identified for the organization and will actively work to make consistent progress on: communications, membership, and developing our consortia/community of practice offerings.

Reflection on the past year

The International Center for Academic Integrity is grateful to Valerie Denney, who ushered the organization through a time of change as president of the organization for the last year. She stepped up to guide us through exiting our contract with our previous association management company and entering into a contract with a new one. She did this in less than 3 months. During this time, we took a step back and took care of matters close to home while we reorganized. Thank you for your leadership, Valerie!

Following Valerie’s steer over the last year, ICAI is positioned to get back on track with our goals of enhancing the member benefits, delivering great content and experiences like IDOA (a record-breaking event last year!) and the annual conference (wasn’t Chicago a blast?!), expanding our research operations, and being the sought after voice of academic integrity internationally.

Moving forward/New ICAI features

I want to share about some important changes:

  • New! Member Database: We have a new database system that we have been working to migrate our members into over the last few months. This requires action from you! If you haven’t tried to “login” to the website, please get in touch with to update your member login with us.
  • New! Our ICAI Website has a fresh new look! Have you noticed? This is still a work in progress; more content will be added to the website as we build out information around the McCabe surveys, AIRs, and other research opportunities and consulting services. We also aim to refresh the resources offered on the website as well.
  • New! Mailing address: we have moved! If you’re at an institution where your financial group keeps old addresses on file, please make sure they have our new one.

International Center for Academic Integrity

11 West Monument Avenue, Suite 510
Dayton, OH 45402

Other updates you can expect in the months ahead:

  • Coming soon… ICAI Highlights. This is a new form of communication from ICAI to its members, which will include information about upcoming webinars or events, updates about ICAI as an organization, member spotlights, current issues in the news and much more. With the launch of new Highlights communications, we will be able to restore the original purpose of the #Integrity Matters blogs: sharing ideas and thoughts about the ever-changing landscape of academic integrity.
  • Coming soon… Member Survey. In our effort to hear from you about what the organization can do for its members, we will be distributing a survey. This survey will go out to all members, so if you missed the conference in Chicago, no worries, there is still an opportunity to contribute to our goal setting process. Generally, we understand that members want to know more about what their member benefits are and how to take full advantage of them. In the year ahead, you will see more communications as the membership committee relaunches under Greer Murphy’s leadership to create clarity around membership benefits.
  • Coming soon… forming more consortia and communities of practice. It was clear from the conference that we need more time connecting with one another and especially those in a similar institution or facing a similar challenge. We aim to expand our offerings for consortia and communities of practice. Valerie Denney will lead and coordinate launching new consortia. There is strong interest in forming one for military schools, community colleges, and high schools. Some discussions are also taking place around a community of practice on remediation programs and artificial intelligence. If these sound of interest to you, then let’s talk!

Final Thoughts

What I’m trying to say with all of this information is much like the road signs I saw in construction sites as I drove from Atlanta up to Chicago: “Pardon our progress!”  We are working to improve the member experience and attract new members, and part of that includes some change along the way. Change can be a good thing after all!

At the conference, we announced the 2026 conference theme and location. Next March 5-8, 2026, we hope to see you in Denver, Colorado as we “elevate integrity”. While I was busy running around co-chairing the conference, I appreciated the attendees who stopped to comment on how great the individual concurrent sessions were. I hope you attended sessions that inspired you to take on a new initiative or improve upon an established program at your campus. This is why we chose the theme Elevate Integrity for the upcoming 2026 conference. I hope you lean into this theme and continue to make the good work that each of you do on your campus hard to ignore. It should be celebrated and elevated! Keep the momentum over the next year and then meet us in Denver next year to talk about how you elevated integrity!

ICAI Conference 2026


Personally, I’m looking forward to serving the organization as president. It was clear from the strong turnout at the conference that we have not lost our energy or passion for promoting academic integrity.


Blaire Wilson is the ICAI President and is in her 4th year on the Board of Directors. Wilson also serves as the Senior Associate Director of the Honor Council at Emory University in Atlanta, GA.


Thank you for being a member of ICAI. Not a member of ICAI yet? Check out the benefits of membership and consider joining us by visiting our membership page. Be part of something great!


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