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How K-12 Teachers Can Strengthen Academic Integrity Culture: Ukrainian Perspectives on Academic Integrity
How Teachers Can Strengthen Academic Integrity Culture: Ukrainian Perspectives on Academic Integrity
Academic integrity is a set of moral codes and rules that supports trust in education. Teaching using techniques and methods based on academic integrity creates a system of transparent rules and procedures that, if followed by students and peers, demonstrate a firm connection between academic integrity and quality. Based on the data from the research held by the American Councils Ukraine office with the Strengthening Academic Integrity in Ukraine Project – SAIUP (2016-2020) students who knew the basis of academic writing and had courses on professional orientation in schools, tend to be more motivated to follow academic integrity principles in the universities.
Speakers: Yana Chapailo & Anastasiia Sydoruk
Yana Chapailo is a project coordinator of Academic Integrity and Quality Initiative at the American Councils for International Education, Ukraine office. She has been working on the topic of academic integrity for more than 6 years. She is a co-author of an online course “Academic Integrity for Teachers”, has experience organizing a National Video Competition for Students “Honesty Begins with You” (2016, 2017, 2019), advising on lesson plans and recommendations on academic integrity. She believes that academic integrity is a collected responsibility of teachers, students, and parents, and only together we can succeed in our goal of quality education.
Anastasiia Sydoruk project assistant of Academic Integrity and Quality Initiative at the American Councils for International Education, Ukraine Office. Anastasiia is a social psychologist, author of training programs for the development of emotional and social intelligence for school-age children. She believes that “Every teacher who, through his or her own actions and attitudes, transmits the importance of academic integrity, instills in children worldview values and patterns of behavior that should form the basis of a strong civil society and a successful country. The future of our country is in the hands of our teachers. “