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Taking Action Against Contract Cheating


Taking Action Against Contract Cheating

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This webinar will highlight the upcoming 5th International Day of Action (DoA) against Contract Cheating, which takes place on 21 October 2020, with details of how individuals and institutions can get involved. The webinar will provide more information about the DoA with examples of the type of activities that can be offered in light of the move to online teaching. It will also highlight online activities available through ICAI on the day, which can be tapped into even where institutions are not taking part. The intention is to continue to raise awareness about contract cheating with students and staff, as well as to publicize the positive interventions that institutions and individuals are making. Time will be available at the end of the webinar for questions and discussion.

Presented By: Dr. Thomas Lancaster Imperial College London, United Kingdom

Dr Thomas Lancaster is a computer scientist who has been researching academic integrity issues since 2000. He originally completed his Ph.D. developing Natural Language Processing (NLP) methods to detect plagiarism in student work. Since 2006, his main research focus has been on contract cheating, often considered to be the successor to pure plagiarism. Thomas introduced the term contract cheating to the academic community and regularly discusses this topic with students and academics and through the media.
Thomas has widely worked across and supported higher education institutions in the United Kingdom and is currently based at Imperial College London, where he is a Senior Teaching Fellow in Computing. He continues to be an active academic integrity researcher, with recent publications examining the supply and demand of contract cheating services, investigating the role of social media in the contract cheating process and examining contract cheating in South East Europe. In 2019, Thomas released the book “Avoid Plagiarism” designed to help students avoid breaching academic integrity. Thomas is an active member of several academic integrity initiatives, including being part of the International Centre for Academic Integrity organizing committee for the International Day of Action against Contract Cheating.

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