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Post ICAI Conference in Calgary


Post ICAI Conference in Calgary

Written by Camilla Roberts

What an amazing time we had in Calgary last week for our 32nd Annual International Center for Academic Integrity Conference. We missed those who weren’t able to attend, but we wanted to make sure to share the highlights of the conference.

Thursday brought some together for three different pre-conference sessions presented by Martine Peters, Cory Scurr, and Christian Moriarty. The day also provided time for some of the ICAI regional consortia to meet together, including a celebration of the 10 year anniversary for the Canadian Consortia.

The conference officially kicked off on Friday. We began our time in Calgary with a land acknowledgement and a blessing from Issu Diane Meguinis, born and raised at Tsuut’ina, Dene peoples who migrated from the Northern Territory of the Great Turtle Island. We thank Issu Diane for coming and sharing some of her culture so that we can give honor to those who were the original persons of the land. 

The keynote that followed by Dr. Martine Peters gave us all insights into the grant writing game, the encouragement to work on academic integrity research, and the excitement for the continuation and results of the PUPP project! Over 250 people in Calgary enjoyed a variety of concurrent sessions (over 9 different time periods throughout the conference). We are deeply thankful to all contributors who submitted a presentation proposal and those who presented during their time in Calgary.

On Saturday morning, we had the pleasure of hearing from an esteemed panel led by Dr. Tricia Bertram Gallant to examine the connection between academic integrity and artificial intelligence. The panelists and respondents discussed the possibility (or not) of adapting the definition of academic integrity in response to artificial intelligence. They also discussed whether detection was or was not needed, as well as whether artificial intelligence should be incorporated into the classroom (and how). We thank all who were part of the panel.

Saturday afternoon was a time of celebration as ICAI recognized those who we honored in our awards and those who have served on ICAI committees as below:

Conference Committee:
● Patti Meyer
● Kailie Gonzalez
● Jake Kasper
● Dulce Abril Castro Escalón
● Amanda McKenzie
● Jennie Miron
● Chris Bryson
● Dawn Lesperance

Content and Communications Committee:
● Adriana Barberena
● Candace Thrasher
● Blaire Wilson
● Lucia Cordova
● Alex Jeikner
● Shanda Hood
● Daniella Andrews-Brown
● Beth Edwards
● Irene Mena
● Mary Davis
● Joseph Brown
● Ceceilia Parnther
● Courtney Cullen

Research Committee:
● Cheryle Snead-Greene
● David Rettinger
● Andrew Perry
● Emily Perkins
● Daniela Gallego-Salazar
● Ori Fienberg
● Vanessa Earp
● Courtney Cullen
● Alexis Ramsey-Tobienne
● Jason Stephens
● Greer Murphy
● Holly Tatum

International Day of Action for Academic Integrity (IDoA):
● Cheryle Snead-Greene
● Luz Herlinda Godina
● Lucy Puente Cruz
● Emilienne Akpan
● Iryna Pavlova
● Jennie Miron
● Thomas Lancaster
● Zeenath Khan
● Sue Hackett
● Irene Glendinning
● Rachel Gorjup
● Mary Davis
● Stephen Bunbury

Membership Committee:
● Susan Wheeler
● Kim Pettigrew
● Gonzalo Pizarro
● Fred Motson
● Valerie Denney
● Jennie Miron

There is no way anything with ICAI could be done without all of the previously mentioned people. If you want to sign up to help with a committee, please sign up here.

ICAI was excited to recognize several members through awards this year. The first award was the Exemplar of Integrity award, which recognizes one individual for demonstrating courage and perseverance in championing the ideals of academic integrity in the face of opposition and adversity. The recipient of the Exemplar of Integrity award is Kane Murdoch from Australia.

The next award is the Practitioner of the Year award which recognizes and honors academic and practitioner members of ICAI who have provided outstanding service to their institution or to the community regarding academic integrity during the past academic year or more. The recipient of the Practitioner of the Year is Bre Chmielecki from Southern New Hampshire University.

The next award is the Student of Merit award which is given to a current student (either pre-college, undergraduate, or graduate student) who has demonstrated passion and motivation towards creating a culture of academic integrity. The recipient of the Student of Merit award is Kate Larsen from Brigham Young University.

The next award is our Campus of Integrity award which recognizes one campus or institution for their outstanding ability to create a culture of integrity during the previous academic year. We are thrilled to recognize Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico as the Campus of Integrity this year.

The final award we gave was the McCabe Research of the Year, named after Donald McCabe, founding member of ICAI and leader in academic integrity research. This award recognizes and honors an outstanding recent research project (including but not limited to dissertation research, grant research, or other scholarly work) regarding academic integrity during the past academic year or more. It is an honor to recognize Dr. Kelly Ahuna, Dr. Loretta Frankovitch and Dr. Greer Murphy for their work, “Claiming Space for Honest Work: Academic Integrity as Third Space Labor.”

The conference rounded out on Sunday with a final plenary session by members of the research committee. Attendees learned where the committee is with regard to the survey instruments, as well as some initial results from the surveys. We remind all institutional members that you are able to use the student and/or faculty survey at your institution for no charge. Please contact us if you have any questions.

Our days in Calgary were a whirlwind, but we enjoyed catching up with each other and the discussions held throughout the conference were inspiring and motivating as we continue our work with academic integrity. We hope to see you all in Chicago next year for our annual conference.

Thank you for being a member of ICAI. Not a member of ICAI yet? Check out the benefits of membership and consider joining us by visiting our membership page. Be part of something great!