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A New Years Thank You!

Written by Tricia Bertram Gallant

This week and next, many of us around the world celebrate holidays, as well as several endings and beginnings, most notably the ending of 2018 and the beginning of 2019. In honor of these celebrations (and hopefully some time off!), the Integrity Matters Blog will be on hiatus this week and next. We will return with a new post on January 7th, 2019.

I did, however, want to take this moment to thank you for reading the first term of ICAI's Integrity Matters Blog. The Blog is part of the new ICAI, which is an independent non-profit organization dedicated to cultivating academic integrity cultures around the world. The goal of Integrity Matters is to advance this mission by stimulating conversations and advancing our collective knowledge of all aspects of academic integrity and culture cultivation. So, as a reminder, I welcome adding your voice to the Blog! Consider submitting a piece in the new year so we can share your knowledge and experience, and/or spotlight your program or educational institution for the benefit of others.

It is my fervent hope that Integrity Matters continues to add value to your life, whether you are a student, integrity practitioner, teacher, researcher, parent, employer, politician, or anyone else who cares about the integrity and quality of the world's educational credentials as well as our shared goal to graduate ethical citizens and professionals.

So,  thank you once again for your support of Integrity Matters. And if you are not yet a member of ICAI, consider joining ICAI in 2019, either as an individual or institution. Your membership will support this blog and all of the work that ICAI does to cultivate academic integrity cultures around the world. With your help, we can ensure that #integritymatters in all schools, colleges and universities around the world.

Thank you and cheers to a happy, productive, and integrous 2019!

Thank you for being a member of ICAI. Not a member of ICAI yet? Check out the benefits of membership and consider joining us by visiting our membership page. Be part of something great!