Texas Tech University Ethics Center Faculty, Student, and Staff Ethics Symposium
Written by Lora Lopez
For the fourth year running, Texas Tech University’s Ethics Center has hosted a Faculty, Student and Staff Ethics Symposium. Every spring, the campus community is invited to submit current scholarship related to ethics either from within an academic field or more broadly related to the work of an academic community. Submitted papers are judged by a panel of faculty and staff who rate them to award first, second, and third place for faculty, staff, and student categories. The winners present their work during the symposium and are awarded monetary prizes. The submitted papers are also collected for an edition of the Journal of the TTU Ethics Center (forthcoming this Fall, 2020).
2020’s symposium was held as a virtual event attended online by the Ethics Center staff and sponsors as well as the winning presenters. Participants submitted papers and made presentations addressing topics as diverse as ethical issues in advocating for children in foster care, student use of online “study” companies, and the ethics of borderland land claims in Texas. The research represents the spectrum of TTU’s scholarly community and its interests as related to problems in ethics.
Among those in the faculty category, the third place winner was Associate Professor of English, Dr. Cordelia Barrera speaking on the ethics of borderland land rights and a history of dispossession in the Southwest. Second place was awarded to Dr. Duane Hoover, Professor of Practice in the Rawls College of Business who presented on ethical decision making using a model of requisite variety. The first place award was presented to Assistant Professor Daniel Kelly from the Department of Educational Psychology and Leadership in the College of Education for his paper on the ethics issues involved in conducting research on children in foster care.
Among the student paper presentations, third place was awarded to Matthew Streseman and Joseph Millican, (Rawls College) for their work on the student use of Chegg, an online study service, and how students assess their use of it in terms of academic dishonesty. Second place was awarded to Blain Pearson (Human Sciences, Personal Financial Planning) for his work on consumer knowledge of ethics violations by personal financial planners. The first place awardee in the student category was Ngan Nguyen (College of Education, Curriculum and Instruction) for her study of a practice of care ethics for international graduate students at US universities.
It is with great pleasure that we present the video recording of the symposium showcasing work from these scholars from across the university community Please enjoy the presentations and join us in thanking the scholars for their excellent work.
Symposium link: Link: https://youtu.be/P0s3NWUI9VU
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