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Things to look out for in 2020: Book Club, Virtual Conference, Webinars, and More


Things to look out for in 2020: Book Club, Virtual Conference, Webinars, and More

Written by Courtney Cullen

Happy New Year and welcome back to the first 2021 semester! 2020 was a hard year, and many institutions had to adapt and respond to altered classrooms and additional integrity concerns. 2021 brings hope for the return to in-person learning and more experience in digital delivery. There are some exciting opportunities with the ICAI heading your way:

  1. ICAI Virtual Book Club
    The Content Committee will be hosting a book club from January – April. We are going to be reading Phillip Dawson’s new book: Defending Assessment Security in a Digital World. If you are interested in joining our virtual book club, please register at Register Now Registered members will receive a question guide written by the author to enhance your reading experience, and the opportunity to meet with him in April 2021 to discuss the book. We look forward to reading with you!
  2. Virtual Conference 2021
    The ICAI is going digital for its annual conference! Looking to submit a presentation? The deadline for submission is this Friday. Don’t forget to register and join your fellow academic integrity community. More information on presentation submission and conference registration can be found at Annual Conference.
  3. McCabe Survey
    Find out how your students feel about academic integrity on your campus. Join the international McCabe survey. If you want to get involved, fill out the form found here or email
  4. Timely Webinars
    Join us for a live webinar on timely topics related to academic integrity. Webinars lists upcoming topics and lets you register for these insightful conversations.

We look forward to a year of new content and more opportunities to work with you!

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