ICAI releases ‘The Fundamental Values of Academic Integrity’ to give guidance to educational institutions
Written by ICAI
Albany, N.Y. – The International Center for Academic Integrity (ICAI) has issued the third edition of “TCSLINKTOPAGE[values,The Fundamental Values of Academic Integrity,,_blank],” which is designed to serve as a practical reference guide for fostering academic integrity and excellence at institutions of higher learning.
“Promoting a culture that values and champions academic integrity begins with critical conversations taking place on campus,” said Camilla Roberts, ICAI president and director of the Honor and Integrity System at Kansas State University. “The updated ‘Fundamental Values’ will provide a catalyst for these conversations, many of which will ultimately blossom into a campus culture that supports academic integrity and excellence. ”
“The Fundamental Values of Academic Integrity” defines academic integrity as the commitment to six fundamental values: honesty, trust, fairness, respect, responsibility and courage. These values serve to inform and improve ethical decision-making capacities and behavior. Recognizing that scholarly communities flourish when members live these fundamental values, the guide offers actionable steps institutions can follow to achieve success in establishing climates of integrity. These steps are built upon nearly three decades of processes and practices used in successful academic integrity programs.
The new edition of “The Fundamental Values of Academic Integrity” will be highlighted during a workshop session for attendees at the ICAI Virtual Conference set for March 1 through 4. The annual event draws faculty, administrators, students and staff together for four days of education and networking on topics such as technology, research, policy and student experiences related to academic integrity.
“We, at ICAI, believe that it is a critical time for educational institutions to focus on these issues as they continue to remotely deliver a majority of their courses,” said Roberts. “The workshop provides the perfect setting to energize faculty, administrators, students and staff as they work to advance their commitment to academic integrity on their campuses.”
The International Center for Academic Integrity (ICAI) cultivates integrity in academic communities throughout the world to promote ethical institutions and societies. It was founded to combat cheating, plagiarism, and academic dishonesty in higher education. Its mission has since expanded to include the cultivation of cultures of integrity in academic communities throughout the world. ICAI offers assessment services, resources, and consultations to its member institutions, and facilitates conversations on academic integrity topics each year at its annual conference. For more information, visit https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.academicintegrity.org&source=gmail&ust=1613058146799000&usg=AFQjCNFQ5ShAZu5EpIwuM-hoQiBPfkPcgg">www.academicintegrity.org.
For more information, contact:
Camilla Roberts
ICAI President
Phone: 785-313-8477
Email: croberts@academicintegrity.org
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