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A Small Department Making a Big Statement: When Students Contribute to the Conversation on Academic Integrity


A Small Department Making a Big Statement: When Students Contribute to the Conversation on Academic Integrity

Written by Alex Jeikner , Vasiliki Papadopoulou

The English Department at Deree – The American College of Greece may be small, compared to other departments, but it is making a significant contribution to the conversation on academic integrity taking place on campus. Here’s our thoughts, on the one hand from a professor and on the other from a student:

As professor in this department, I was impressed upon reading in an email from the English Society on the upcoming elections for the governing body (GB) that the Constitution was amended to include as a new “eligibility criterion for election to the Governing Body: no breaches of Academic Integrity!” This amendment showcases the importance of students participating in this conversation on academic integrity, exchanging the language of policy voiced by professors with a language of shared values expressed through their actions. When students promote a culture of integrity themselves, when in other words the source of the message changes, the content of the message might be heard differently.

As student in this department, I have been a part of the English Society for two years now and the President since this semester began. Academic Integrity has always played a significant role in our philosophy. That is why on International Day Against Contract Cheating the English Society always organizes events on campus where we ask students and faculty to write pledges that support authenticity and remind everyone that Academic Integrity is a choice we need to make every day. In the Humanities, our work is reflected in our authentic ideas, so it is vital that we protect them by speaking out against plagiarism and cheating that undermine not only the efforts of the writer but the reader, as well. This semester, with the help of our advisors, the GB decided to integrate this amendment into our constitution to demonstrate the Society’s commitment to Academic Integrity and to encourage the students of the English major and minor to trust their own creativity.

This statement, this requirement for eligibility might not seem like much, but it does exemplify how students can show their commitment to principles of integrity themselves, inviting others to understand that honoring academic integrity in their work means upholding the fundamental values of honesty, trust, fairness, respect, responsibility, and courage. And by uniting our voices with that of the faculty, we can co-author our statement and openly communicate our commitment to integrity. Our hope is that by collaborating on this post, we can show that by valuing honesty in academic life, students can develop the habit of self-reliance and confidence, and therefore possess the necessary skills for future success.

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