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Southeast Integri-TEA Talks


Southeast Integri-TEA Talks

Written by Courtney Cullen

TCSLINKTOPAGE[consortium-online,Networking consortia,,_blank] within the ICAI connect people interested in academic integrity. “This networking activity stimulates the academic integrity movement in focused areas, while also enhancing the global movement.” The revitalization of Southeast region over the last three years began with assistance from institutions in Georgia and Florida, but the new initiatives from the Southeast Consortium hope to expand the group across the entire Southeast. One of these initiatives are the monthly Academic Integri-TEA Talks.

Southeast consortium members can grab their coffee or sweet tea and meet with other faculty and practitioners to talk collaboratively about issues they are facing in their classes and across their digital and physical campuses. A different regional member facilitates each talk, and the format of the focused on opening a dialogue rather than mimicking a conference presentation. It is an opportunity to collaborate, troubleshoot, and share resources between peers. In August, the discussion covered student training: How do we ensure that students are prepared to serve with academic integrity offices? Each institution had different tactics to protect student privacy, develop student skills, and manage student time commitments and expectations. However, together the region found common ground and shared ideas across institutional lines to build stronger student engagement opportunities. Future talks are already scheduled, and they will focus on proctoring and contract cheating. Southeast members should submit ideas and help choose future topics that are relevant to the challenges facing their institutions!

Because conduct offices are often small – some universities and colleges may only have one person working specifically with academic integrity initiatives – building our community is vital. Opportunities to discuss challenges and helping peers find solutions can be difficult to find, and the Integri-TEA talks are one avenue for building relationships. For those that want to keep the conversation going, the Southeast will also be hosting online forums for members to comment.

Interested in joining a networking consortium? ClickTCSLINKTOPAGE[consortium-online,here,,_blank]to learn more. Tell us what you would want to discuss in an IntegriTEA talk by tweeting @TweetCAI, or find us on Instagram or Facebook.

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