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Wind of change

Written by Burcu Ozge Razi

Over two decades ago, Prensky (2001) introduced the term 'digital natives' to describe individuals born into a world of technological marvels, naturally used to the advancements of the era, contrary to digital immigrants who adapt to these advancements. Digital immigrants found themselves standing in the wind created by these digital natives, and to thrive in this dynamic environment, immigrants must adapt to their language and welcome the winds of change.

While winds can be disruptive, they also carry the potential for growth, much like the seeds of flowers dispersed by the breeze. The blossoming of these seeds may take time, face obstacles, or land in less-than-ideal conditions. One such seed, ushered in by the wind of change, is the impactful presence of Artificial Intelligence in our education systems. Concerns have been raised about inappropriate use of AI by students, leading to plagiarism and cheating, which have been persisting for decades even before AI. The key is not to nurture these harmful practices, but to create conducive environments for the positive impacts of AI. 

 Wind of change image

(Note. All the elements above created by DALL-E2 with the prompts: ‘wind cartoon png’, ‘seed scattered with wind png’, ‘A girl holding a seed in her hands and looking it with love and caring in a realistic style’.)

As a student, encountering rules like 'the use of Artificial Intelligence in assignments is strictly prohibited' is disheartening. I see it as a seed carried by the winds of technological change, one that has the potential to bloom into something beautiful. However, for this growth to occur, I require the right conditions: transparent use of AI within ethical frameworks. I need to understand how AI can enrich my imagination, enhance my performance, and contribute to a critical stance. Numerous examples highlight the beneficial uses of AI, such as supporting engagement, improving writing, enhancing critical thinking, and supporting research. In essence, there are vibrant flower gardens where the seeds of Artificial Intelligence, brought by the wind of change, can flourish.

Being a student navigating the digital landscape, I have sown the seeds of change by delving into the realm of Artificial Intelligence for my Master's thesis with a focus on the ethical use of Artificial Intelligence in the process of academic writing. In this study, I have tailored an academic writing rubric by adapting Razı's (2023) work to get feedback for academic studies from AI. With this study, I aim to add the positive impacts as educational material to the "Facing Academic Integrity Threats" Erasmus+ project. In this way, I plan to disseminate a resource that can be utilized by peers, researchers, and educators to explore the impact of AI when utilized ethically in academic settings by dispelling the negative reputation surrounding AI in writing, showcasing its potential benefits for all stakeholders.

In essence, my goal is to cultivate the seed I have planted into a flourishing flower of responsible AI use. I believe my peers are also nurturing their seeds, collectively sowing gardens that will shape the ethical use of Artificial Intelligence for future generations of digital natives. Together, we will embrace the ethical horizon and hopefully witness the growth of AI as a valuable ally in our academic pursuits.

Wind of change image 2

(Note. Created by DALL-E2 with the prompt: ‘Young people sowing seeds, watering flowers at a garden in high technology environment in a realistic style.’)

Prensky, M. (2001). Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants: Part 1. On the Horizon, 9(5), 1-6.
Razı, S. (2023). Emergency remote teaching adaptation of the anonymous multi-mediated writing model. System,113, 102981

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