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Launching the International Day of Action for Academic Integrity 2024

Written by Mary Davis

As co-chair of the International Day of Action for Academic Integrity 2024, it’s my huge pleasure to launch our Integrity Boat to set sail on the high seas of academic conduct for this year’s exciting theme:

All hands on deck: Making academic integrity everyone’s job

Please put October 16, 2024 in your calendars!

This year’s theme focuses on academic integrity as the responsibility of everyone involved in education: all faculty, staff and students. It involves promoting academic integrity as an important job, central to all institutions. Academic integrity global leaders: Tricia Bertram Gallant, Sarah Eaton, Kane Murdoch, Ann Rogerson, Amanda McKenzie, Irene Glendinning, Thomas Lancaster, Zeenath Khan, among many others, have been fighting for the recognition of academic integrity as an important job for many years. But this current AI era, which has generated a surge of interest in academic integrity, gives us an opportunity to involve and engage a much wider audience with our message. ‘Making academic integrity everyone’s job’ also connects to continuing integrity beyond academia to professional ethics and lifelong learning following the ICAI fundamental values of honesty, trust, fairness, respect, responsibility and courage. We aim to bring all of these aspects of the theme into a powerful International Day of Action this year.

As the International Day of Action for Academic Integrity, we want to involve and engage everyone in our live events on the day, our social media campaigns and in encouraging action within institutions. As previous years, we will have a full day of up to 15 hours of live events to suit different international time zones on October 16, comprising presentations, dialogues and panel discussions, with students and staff participants. We will have the full program details available by September 16.

Our IDoA Planning Committee are busy working on the student contest which this year will be a social media post (details coming soon). All students are welcome to enter; prizes will be awarded! We have a Student Working Group who are putting together contributions to the day. We also have two IDoA Faculty/Staff Working Groups who have started working on resources and possible events. ‘All hands on deck’ is leading us to some fun and engaging nautically themed resources, including ‘Staying calm in choppy waters’ (advice to students to make good academic conduct decisions when under pressure) and ‘A nautical map of roles and responsibilities in academic integrity’ (charting a course and mapping intersections with academic integrity across diverse departments and roles). Inevitably, some of the threats to academic integrity that we will be facing include plagiarism sharks in the water, contract cheating pirates, and a tsunami of AI misuse, but we will keep fishing for good practice!

Please do start following our IDoA 2024 website for updates. Download the poster to start promoting IDoA to your institution, students, colleagues and networks. Do think locally about what you can do in your institution on the day; we’ll soon share resources that you can use and details of the student contest. Let’s make this an International Day of Action that really gets across the message that academic integrity is everyone’s job!

Please do contact me with any queries about IDoA2024

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