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Major League Baseball Struggles with Integrity (Again)

Written by Joseph F. Brown

The first piece I ever wrote for the ICAI Blog was a longish rumination on the impact of the Houston Astros cheating scandal and what universities could learn from how it managed (and mismanaged) it. Only a few years have passed and Major League Baseball, America’s pastime and one of the most successful sports industries in the world, is again dealing with another crisis involving the integrity of the game and how it manages cheating.

What is Happening

For my non-sportsy colleagues: the current scandal involves the practice of a pitcher placing a substance on his hands or the baseball to increase traction when he throws the ball. By doing so, he is able to spin the ball at a much higher rate of rotation as he pitches it.  The increased rotation gives the pitcher maximum control and increases his ability to make the ball “break” before reaching the batter.

If you’ve never seen this happen to a ball, it’s a truly amazing thing to behold. The ball breaks, it moves in unpredictable ways (from the batter’s perspective), it appears to rise when it should be falling. Simply put, it makes the ball move in ways it really shouldn’t. Or, at least, it moves in ways batters haven’t seen before.

The substances being used run the gamut from homemade recipes (usually a mixture of sunscreen and rosin- the material batters use to help them grip the bat safely) to more advanced substances (such as Spider-tack).

These doctored pitches have become nearly unhittable. Sports Illustrated, in a recent article on the issue, lamented that “never in the history of Major League Baseball has it been so hard to hit the ball.” Offense is down, strikeouts are way up. Fans are bored. The sport and its industry are in peril.

Why it Matters

All of this is happening because of cheating.

MLB has rules on substances on baseballs it has never really enforced, and there’s the rub (if you’ll forgive the pun).  There is a long history of semi-sanctioned cheating in this sport. It is a sport often governed by tradition and unwritten rules. That old reality is now clashing with twenty-first century analytics, science, and, frankly, high-definition television. In other words, at the same time that the cheating is getting worse, viewers are becoming more aware of it. At the same time, a problem that existed in a subdued state only a few years ago, exploded this year.

This is where I found the parallels with higher ed, and how we managed cheating pre-pandemic so similar. MLB’s newest cheating problem and how they’ve managed it provide some helpful takeaways for us, if we’re watching closely.

Sunday, as I was writing a draft of this post, a pitcher for the Seattle Mariners was ejected from a ballgame under suspicion of using a foriegn substance. His glove was taken for examination and if it's found to have a foreign substance on it, the pitcher will face a suspension under the MLB’s new rules guidance. It’s a good start. Every summer I coach my son’s youth baseball team. Every year, the players look for any advantage they can find to hit better, throw more accurately, and run faster. When they hear about a professional (a big leaguer!) being held accountable for his actions, it reminds them that there is a line that shouldn’t be crossed between cheating and personal improvement through learning, practice, and growth. They learn that games must be fair to be worth playing.

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