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Rest, recharge, and build resilience


Rest, recharge, and build resilience

Written by Courtney Cullen

Happy Holidays from the International Center for Academic Integrity! No matter where, or what, you are celebrating, odds are that you have a day or two off to recharge. I encourage you to take this time and completely turn off your academic integrity brain. In fact, taking a break is good for your health.

Instead of worrying about classes, try baking a new recipe. Or, if you are me, just watch other people bake on Netflix! Spend time with loved ones that fill your cup. If you are starting to feel the effects of burn out, try reaching out to a therapist. One thing is for certain, take this time to care for yourself. Need a list of ways to recharge? Try the below suggestions or add your own:

  • Build a gingerbread house
  • Assemble a puzzle
  • Try a new recipe
  • Bake something new
  • Try oragami
  • Meditate
  • Watch your favorite movie or TV show
  • Take a nap

How are you recharging? Share by tweeting @TweetCAI.