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Happy New Year 2025: Time for academic integrity resolutions!


Happy New Year 2025: Time for academic integrity resolutions!

Written by Mary Davis

New Year

(Image credit: Pixabay)

Wishing all academic integrity colleagues a very Happy New Year 2025.
Time to make some academic integrity resolutions! Here’s my top ten:
1. Read the #IntegrityMatters blog every week! (Either by email or bookmark this blog page).
2. Take the opportunity to submit at least one blog this year: it’s a great way to share your work and ideas with the academic integrity community in a relatively easy publication – just email it to me
3. Join us at the ICAI Conference in Chicago March 6-9 – early bird registration has been extended to January 10, 2025. See Conference Co-Chair, Blaire Wilson’s blog post for more information.
4. Put the magic date for the International Day of Action for Academic Integrity (IDoA) already in your calendar: 10.15.2025 and check the IDoA website for details.
5. Look out for our upcoming webinars, including a special summer series June-July; more details will follow soon.
6. Do some academic integrity work with students: this is key for student engagement, but this collaboration is also so rewarding and important for faculty and staff.
7. Start an exchange with someone else working in academic integrity beyond your immediate context, whether in another part of your institution or another institution. The exchange can help recharge your perspective with some new insights.
8. Get into the habit of regular reading on academic integrity through some important journals in the field, for example: International Journal for Educational Integrity or the Journal of Academic Ethics
9. Keep your approach to academic integrity inclusive; whatever work you do in academic integrity, ensure that Diversity Equity and Inclusion are prioritized, no one is disadvantaged and everyone has learning opportunities.
10. Promote and live the Fundamental Values of academic integrity: honesty, trust, fairness, respect, responsibility and courage all year.

Have a wonderful 2025!